Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Art Review: René Magritte The treason of Images


Artist: René Magritte

Title: The treason of Images

Year produced: 1928-1929

Oil on Canvas

Size: 23.5 * 37 inch

Style: Surrealism

Location: County Museum of Art, Los Angeles

The following review is part of my art review essay years ago:

We recognize the image on the canvas as a pipe, because it looks like its object, the substantial pipe. It is an icon of the substantial pipe. The French inscription (Ceci n’est pas une pipe, which means this is not a pipe in English) below the image is clearly classified as the category of symbol. However, if the viewer did not understand one word of French, the markings would turn to be meaningless. It is known that words are perceived as markings with convention and it is highly arbitrary, the word pipe would make no sense if the viewer didn’t know the conventions agreed amongst the French users. John Fiske once pointed out that sings with no conventional dimension are purely private and thus do not communicate (Fiske, 1990 p56). Then we can basically conclude that the whole painting is a combination of icon and symbol.

Nevertheless, when people find the icon and the symbol of the painting lead to absurdity, it can be considered that this contradiction is an index of emotional attitude. People are all familiar with the substantial pipe, so we usually do not take notice of it. The words “This is not a pipe” bring us a new way of understanding our own reality through shock. When taking a deeper look at the canvas, we can find that the pipe is presented in an undefined space, it seems like floating in the air and it has no shadow which it should be in a three dimensional object, moreover, it’s not functioning for there is no smoke. However, a defined space, shadow, and functioning are the characteristics that a substantial pipe possesses. As a result, it can be claimed that to quota “This is not a pipe” is correct.

In conclusion, the painting The Treason of Images is composed of icon, symbol and index. With a familiar image in an unfamiliar context, the painting brought us a new way of understanding the reality. Finally, I want to notice that the painting cannot be well analyzed by the Swiss linguist Saussure’s sign system because actually there is no signified for the signifier.


Fiske, J 1990, Introduction to Communication Studies, Great Britain: Routledge, 56.

Foster, H, Krauss, R, Bois, Y, Buchloh, BH 2002, Art Since 1990, United Kingdom: Thames & Hudson, 213.

René Magritte’s other paintings include: The son of Man, La condition humaine, Time Transfixed and Delusions of Grandeur.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

David Hockney Oil Painting New Stock

We have now received our new stock which includes beutiful David Hockney reproductions. From his Swimming and Splash work, his beautiful landscape pictures and still life plants.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Art review: Nichols Canyon by David Hockney

Artist: David Hockney

Title: Nichols Canyon

Year produced: 1980

Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 213.3 * 152.4cm (84 * 60 in.)

Location: Seattle, Washington, collected by Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hedreen

About David Hockney:

David Hockney was born in 1937, he is perhaps the best known and arguably the greatest living English artist, as well as one of the most widely published. At any given time there is at least one major exhibition of his somewhere in the world. He has appropriated certain images and themes on a more or less permanent basis: pools, boys in showers, indelible pencil portraits of friends, Los Angelian views, American landscapes and luminous still lives. His range of work is acknowledged universally (Hockney on Art, p.7).

About Nichols Canyon:

Nichols Canyon is an area in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles County, California. Hockney was a Hollywood Hills resident near the top of Nichols Canyon. The bright colours depict the winding road and landscape of the Hollywood Hills in the late 1970s.

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